Thread ring with claw kettles and chatons

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So easy you thread a ring with claw beads & chatons yourself
For a ring with an inner diameter of approx. 18 mm you need: 1 x Chaton SS39 and kettle, 2 x Chaton SS29 and kettle, 13 Polaris beads 4 mm and Illusion Cord.
Cut two pieces from the Illusion Cord, each about 10 cm long, and draw up the first claw pot.
Draw up all three claw kettles so that the largest kettle sits in the center.
Then, to the right of the last cauldron, string six polaris beads. Pull both ribbons through the beads.
To the left of the cauldrons, also string six polaris beads. Again, pull both ribbons through the beads.
Close the ring by pulling all the bands from each right or left through another finishing bead.
Now tighten the bands. The ring is now completely closed.
Now knot the ribbon to the right and left of the end bead.
You can additionally secure the knots with a drop of super glue.
Now cut off the excess ribbon and insert the chatons into the claw cups.