Thread elastic bracelet with Tila beads

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 Thread elastic bracelet with Tila beads
From square Tila Beads from Miyuki you can string beautiful bracelets with elastic band. Due to the attractive square shape of the Tila, color combinations come out particularly well. A combination of Tila and Half Tila makes the bracelets even more attractive. Since the bracelets are threaded on elastic band, you do not need a clasp.
Tila beads have two threading holes. We recommend first pulling an elastic thread through the upper threading hole of all Tila beads. For Tila bracelets are best suited elastic band with a diameter of 0.5 mm.
Depending on the circumference of your wrist, you will need about 25-30 cm of ribbon each. We recommend to string the ribbon with a beading needle. The needle makes it easier for you to work. To fix the ribbon while working we recommend a bead stopper. This prevents the already threaded beads from slipping off the ribbon again.

After you have threaded all the beads through the upper threading hole onto the ribbon, there are two ways to continue working. You can either tie the thread of the first row with a bracelet knot. Our video "Knotting an elastic bracelet" may be of help to you.

Or you can leave the bracelet open for now. Then you knot the bracelet only after you have pulled up both bands. But then we recommend you to secure both open sides of the bracelet with a bead stopper.

In the second step, a new piece of elastic ribbon is now threaded through the lower thread opening of the Tila beads. Again, we recommend using a beading needle.

Secure the open end of the thread with a bead stopper.

When you have threaded through all the Tila beads, you also have to knot the lower thread. If you have also left the top thread open, knot it now as well. It is important that you make a separate knot for the upper and lower thread.

Once you get the taste, you probably think of many color combination possibilities. Below this text you will find some bracelet ideas. We find the bead mixes from Miyuki with Tila and Half Tila beads especially practical.
4,59 € *
0.0072 kg (637,49 € / kg) As of 2024-07-07
10,32 € *
0.0072 kg (1.433,33 € / kg)