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Herz and Herz Anhänger mit Modellierdraht biegen
Schritt-für-Schritt Anleitung für ein gebogenes Herz aus Draht
Heart and heart pendant bending with modeling wire
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From modeling wire is very quick and easy to bend a heart. With it you can decorate flower vases, gift tags and much more.
In the basic instructions we will show you how to bend the heart.
Cut yourself a piece of modeling wire. The length varies depending on how big you want the heart to be.
Take the right end of the wire and pull the wire clockwise towards you. A loop is formed in the middle of the wire.
Pull both ends of the wire towards you. The heart shape can now already be seen.
Twist the two ends of the wire together. This creates the top of the heart.
Cut off the protruding wire ends.
The heart is ready.
Gift tag with wire hearts
Cut out a gift tag from colorful cardboard. Punch a hole in the tag. Bend then I a wire heart suitable from the size. Cut yourself a piece of cotton ribbon and thread it through the cardboard tag and the heart. Knot the ribbon together.