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Kreuzanhänger mit Kreuzlochperlen machen
Anleitung für einen Anhänger in Kreuzform mit Modellierdraht und Nacre Pearls
Make your own cross pendant with cross hole beads
... here you will find all instructions with material lists - all items with one click into the shopping cart
So easy you make a cross pendant with cross hole beads yourself
First, lay out the materials you will need to make a cross pendant.
Take a crimp bead and crimp it on one end of the jewelry wire. Now thread two Swarovski beads and the cross hole bead onto the wire.
Thread two more Swarovski beads onto the wire and squeeze another squeeze bead behind them.
Now cut the wire behind the crimp bead. The first part of the cross pendant is now ready.
Now attach a split ring to a new piece of jewelry wire by first threading the wire through a crimp bead and then making a loop around the key ring with the wire. Thread the end of the wire back through the crimp bead and crimp it.
Now thread first a metal bead on the wire and then again two Swarovski beads.
Now thread the wire through the cross hole bead of the already finished part. You can already shorten the wire a bit. But make sure that you leave enough wire to thread on more beads.
Now thread on another three Swarovski beads, then a rhinestone rondell and then another Swarovski bead. Fix the whole thing at the end again with a squeeze bead.
Now cut off the protruding wire. The cross pendant is now ready.