Wire Wrapping Ring "Kugel" mit Modellierdraht biegen

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Wire Wrapping Ring "Kugel" mit Modellierdraht biegen

Wire Wrapping Ring "Ball" Bend with Modeling Wire

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Wire Wrapping Ring "Ball" Bend with Modeling Wire
In this tutorial we will show you step by step how to make a wrapped wire ring. Any round beads with a diameter between 8 and 12 mm are suitable for this ring. We used a round Swarovski pearl with a diameter of 10 mm for this ring. As a first step, lay out your materials and tools.
Cut a piece of the silver wire about 60 cm long. The length of the wire varies with your ring size. Here we have made a ring with an inner diameter of 18 mm. Thread the Swarovski bead onto the center of the wire.
Place the Swarovski bead on the round wood. Now start to bend the wire around the wood on both sides.
Bend the wire around the wood. Both ends of the wire are now back on the front. Place one end of the wire over the Swarovski bead and the other end underneath.
Now start wrapping the Swarovski bead with the wire.
Wrap the Swarovski bead with the wire until you have about 4 - 6 cm of wire left on each side. Remove the ring from the log.
Wrap the first wire end tightly around the ring rail several times. Take a pair of flat-nose pliers to help you.
Cut off the rest of the wire after approx. 4 - 5 wraps.
Use the flat nose pliers to press the end of the wire close to the ring bar so that the ring does not scratch when worn.
Repeat the process on the other side. Once the ring rail is wrapped on both sides, the ring is very stable.