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Wire Wrapping Ring "Welle" mit Modellierdraht biegen
Hier siehst du, wie du aus Modellierdraht einen gebognen Ring in Wellenform mit Polarisperlen machen kannst.
Wire Wrapping Ring "Wave" Bend with Modeling Wire
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In this tutorial we will show you step by step how to make a wrapped wave wire ring. Any round beads with a diameter between 4 and 8 mm are suitable for this ring. We used two round Polaris beads each with a diameter of 4, 6 and 8 mm for this ring. As a first step, lay out your materials and tools.
Cut a piece of the wire about 30 cm long. The length of the wire depends on the desired ring size. In this tutorial, we made a ring with an inner diameter of 18 mm. Wrap the wire around the ring stick.
Wrap the wire around the rod twice.
Twist the wire together once in the middle.
String three polaris beads on one end of the wire in descending size.
Wrap the wire around the ring bar 3 - 4 times.
Cut the wire close to the ring rail.
Using the flat nose pliers, squeeze the end of the wire tightly against the ring bar so that the ring does not scratch when worn.
Now string the other three Polaris beads onto the other end of the wire.
Again, start wrapping the wire around the ring rail.
With the help of flat-nose pliers, wrap the wire around the ring bar approx. 3 - 4 times.
Now cut the remaining wire again close to the ring rail.
Squeeze the end of the wire tightly against the ring bar.