Bracelet knot

Bracelet DIY tutorial-step by step explained

Here you can see how to knot a bracelet. There are an infinite number of variations. The knot is always the same.
First take a binder ring. Bend it open with the pliers. Hook the eye of the metal ring and the heart pendant. Then bend the binder ring closed again.
Now cut a piece of the silicone ribbon about 25 cm long. First thread the metal ring with the heart pendant.
Next, thread all the polar beads onto the silicone band
To close the bracelet, first form a simple loop from both ends of the silicone band.
Knot the tape into a second and then third loop on top of each other.
Now pull very firmly on both ends of the silicone band so that the individual loops can slip together into a tight knot. Please make sure that you have not creamed your hands, otherwise the knot will slip open again.
Cut the tape close to the knot.
The bracelet is now ready. You can "hide" the knot in the hole of the metal bead.