Make chain with shifting knot

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Make chain with shifting knot
So easy you make this chain with shifting knot yourself
Prepare materials and tools.
Tie an overhand knot in one end of the leather strap.
Now tighten the knot.
Thread a metal ball onto the leather strap and slide the bead up to the knot.
Thread the second metal ball onto the leather strap as well and tie an overhand knot on the other end of the leather strap as well.
Tie an overhand knot again on one side of the leather strap.
Loop the leather strap through the loop again. This creates a double overhand knot. Do not tighten the knot yet.
Put the other end of the leather strap through the loop of the knot.
Now tighten the knot.
Lay the leather strap into a circle.
Loop the loose side of the leather strap around the side that is in the circle and tie a double overhand knot.
Tighten the knot. You can now vary the length of the resulting chain by moving one of the knots on the ribbon.
To attach the pendant, use flat nose pliers to open the collier loop and hook it into the leather strap.
Now hang the pendant in the collier loop and close it again with the flat nose pliers.
Now the chain is ready.