Kette mit Rocailles und Buchstabenperlen selber machen

Bunte Rocailles und Buchstabenperlen macht die Kette zu einem tollen Schmuckprojekt für kleine und große Kinder!

Kette mit Rocailles und Buchstabenperlen selber machen

Rocailles necklaces or bracelets

Here you can find DIY instructions with material lists

Rocailles necklaces or bracelets
The small, colorful Rocailles are made of glass. They come in many different colors and surface effects. They are suitable for bracelets or necklaces. Combine Rocailles with letter beads or beads with motifs and you make personalized and individually designed jewelry. Bracelets with Rocailles can be worn, for example, super as friendship bracelets - For best friends and girlfriends! l In this tutorial we show you how to make a beautiful name necklace with Rocailles.
You need this tool for the necklaces or bracelets with Rocailles:

For chains
-ruler or tape measure to measure the ribbon
-side cutter to cut the jewelry wire
-Flat nose pliers to squeeze the squeeze beads together

For bracelets
-ruler or tape measure for measuring the band
-scissors to cut the ribbon

Lay out all the materials you need ready for your necklace.
Cut off about 50 cm of the jewelry wire with the side cutter. Thread the carabiner and a crimp bead onto the wire. Form a loop and push the wire back through the crimp bead. Press the crimp bead tightly with the pliers.

If you work with a chain set, this step is not necessary. The carabiner is already attached to the wire here.
br> Start threading the beads onto the wire.
Thread the beads until you reach the desired chain length.

If you want to string a necklace with your name, make sure that the name is in the middle of the necklace.

The length of the chain you can choose individually. Do you like a long or short necklace?
When you have threaded all the beads, the chain is closed. At the open end of the chain, thread the crimp bead onto the wire and form the wire into a loop. Then push the wire through the bead again and press it together. Thread the remaining wire through the top beads and separate it with the pliers. And the chain is ready.

You can also add a split ring at the end of the chain. The split ring is then the counterpart for the carabiner.
You can also find these instructions in our book "Making jewelry with children themselves".
Of course, you can also raise a beautiful arbamd with the rocailles. For this elastic silicone ribbon is suitable betsen as a threading material.